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3rd - 4th Grade Boys Lacrosse

Spring 2024 Season! No experience required!


Who should sign up?

3rd and 4th grade boys of any skill level -- including beginners -- who want to learn to play lacrosse in a competitive, fun and positive environment.

When does it start? HOW Many games and practices?

The Spring 2024 season starts the week of March 11 and runs through May. 

The actual number of games and practices depend on weather and field conditions. Our first priority is the safety of our players. Program includes several practices per week and 2-3 weekend tournaments plus a potential of some weekday games.

Transportation to and from all games is the responsibility of the parent. No transportation will be provided, but all games will be played in Northeast Ohio.

Where ARE PRACTices held?

All practices will be held at Stow schools (High School and Kimpton).


The cost is $145 for the Spring 2024 season. This fee includes coaching, a game shirt, and the cost for participation in tournaments. 

We have helmets, sticks and pads for your child's use if you need them, available upon request.  All players must have a mouth guard.

How do i register?

Register by March 9 at the Stow Parks & Recreation website.

Boys Lacrosse in Stow Ohio


Stow Lacrosse Club